Privacy Policy. Little Bat

 At SML Games, we value your privacy and are committed to ensuring the confidentiality and protection of your data. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, and disclose personal information gathered from you when you use our arcade game, Little Bat.

Information We Collect
We do not collect any personally identifiable information such as your name, home address, email address, or phone number. However, we may collect non-personal information such as the type of device you are using, the operating system, and browser version, as well as other anonymous usage data for the purpose of improving the game and user experience.

Use of Information
We may use the non-personal information we collect for statistical purposes, such as improving our game and understanding our users. We may also collect usage data to improve the functionality of the game and enhance the user experience.

Third-Party Services
Little Bat may link to third-party websites that may be of interest to you. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content on these sites. You should review the privacy policy of each third-party service before providing any personal information.

Information Security
Little Bat is committed to keeping your personal information secure. However, we cannot guarantee the security of personal information that you provide on the internet. We recommend that you take basic security measures, such as using strong passwords and avoiding sharing personal information online.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
Little Bat is intended for users of all ages. We are compliant with COPPA, which regulates the collection of personal information from children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13 without the consent of their parent or guardian.

Changes to Privacy Policy
Little Bat may update this privacy policy at any time without notice. Thus, you are advised to review this policy regularly to stay up to date with changes.

Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at


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